Project coordinator


UGent is a top university with a high publication rate and citation impact in biology, medicine, applied physics, materials science and (chemical) engineering.

It provides high quality, research-based education in all academic disciplines. The mission of open and democratic education is realised through the availability of social facilities and professional guidance on study careers. Numerous research groups, centres and institutes have been established over the years collaborating in research and academic service. Some of them are known worldwide in various scientific disciplines. Ghent University invests more than 175 million euros annually in research projects on behalf of public and private partners. 

The laboratory involved in the project is Laboratory for Chemical Technology, which integrates science and engineering in its research on catalysis, kinetics, reactor design and process design. The laboratory is also a member of UGENT’s Sustainable Chemistry. UGENT coordinates the project e-CODUCT, but also contributes its expertise for reactor model optimisation and industrial process design. 

Contact: Prof. Joris Thybaut: eb.tnegu@tuabyhT.siroJ (coordinator)



TOTB is an R&D entity of TotalEnergies – a large company present in more than 130 countries and is recognized as a leader in energy sector worldwide. TOTB is responsible for e-CODUCT project management, working on strategic topics. TOTB will also be the main user of the project results to ensure the techno-economic feasibility of e-CODUCT and the future deployment of technologies in refineries, the energy sector and energy-intensive industries.

Contact: Dr. Gleb Veryasov moc.seigrenelatot@vosayrev.belg


The NIC is a leading Slovenian research institution in the field of chemistry and related scientific disciplines. Basic and applied research focuses on areas of long-term importance for both Slovenia and the world: Materials research, life sciences, biotechnology, chemical engineering, structural and theoretical chemistry, analytical chemistry and environmental protection. Thus, the NIC meets the needs of the domestic and foreign pharmaceutical, chemical, automotive and nanobiotehnology industries.

Under e-CODUCT, the NIC’s Department of Catalysis and Chemical Reaction Engineering will host the upscaled electrothermal fluidised bed reactor for the conversion of COS to CO. NIC will use its extensive expertise, infrastructures and access to obtain operational data for modelling, validation and optimisation of the reactor’s upscaled (TRL≥6) modes of operation. The NIC will also plan, manage and implement cross-sector communication, dissemination and outreach activities, leveraging its extensive experience in multi-sector, multidisciplinary collaborative projects at high TRL scale.

Contact: Dr. Blaž Likozar is.ik@razokil.zalb


PDC (Process Design Center) is a Dutch non-profit SME that provides support in the design and techno-economic assessment of processes that have environmental/societal benefits. PDC is a leading technology provider for structured conceptual design methods. PDC’s proprietary PROSYN® expert system and conceptual design methods have been used in numerous industrial projects that have achieved capital and operating cost savings of up to 50% compared to existing state-of-the-art designs. PDC’s expertise in conceptual process design, techno-economic assessment, energy efficiency and sustainability bridges the gap between R&D and industrial application.  

In e-CODUCT, PDC will evaluate the annual costs of operating, depreciating and financing the integrated process from feed gases to elemental sulphur and CO and its derivatives, and support the development of business plans and life cycle analyses. 

Contact: Juraj Hrstka moc.retnec-ngised-ssecorp@aktsrh  


The CNRS is a French government-funded research institution with internationally recognised laboratories in all fields, particularly materials science, molecular chemistry and catalysis. The Laboratory of Catalysis and Spectrochemistry (LCS), a joint research unit (JRU6506) of the CNRS, the University of Caen and the School of Engineering (ENSICAEN), will use its knowledge and experience in the e-CODUCT project to study the catalysis reaction in order to improve the yield and purity of the COS produced (first reaction) and to generate experimental data for modelling and improving the operating conditions. 

Contact: Valentin Valtchev rf.neacisne@vehctlav.nitnelav


SG CREE, Saint Gobain is a French company present in more than 70 countries worldwide and a leader in the field of light and sustainable construction. It develops, produces and distributes materials and services for the construction and industrial markets. In e- CODUCT SG CREE provides construction and bedding materials are provided and their efficiency evaluated (sulphur resistance, high temperature and durability, resistance/conductivity) in order to optimise, scale up and integrate them into reactor technology. 

Contact: Dr. Helene Retot moc.niabog-tnias@toteR.eneleH  


DECHEMA promotes scientific and technical exchange between experts from different disciplines, organisations and generations. As a non-profit professional society, DECHEMA consolidates the know-how of more than 5,800 individual and sustaining members. It identifies future trends in research and technology, which are discussed in depth and immediately translated into recommendations for action. In e-CODUCT DECHEMA provides its expertise in the fields of life cycle analysis, process concept development and optimisation as well as safety assessment with regard to the variability of renewable energies. 

Contact: Dr. Jens Artz ed.amehced@ztra.snej  

BENKEI (Benkei)

Founded in 2014, Benkei is based in Lyon and operates in France and Europe to assist its clients define and implement their innovation strategies and collaborative projects. In line with the values of respect and commitment that Benkei conveys, Benkei consultants are present at all the assignments they carry out, from opening to closing. Most of the consultants are shareholders in the company.  
As an innovation specialist, Benkei is active in all thematic areas and for different projects/strategies thanks to a team of experienced, versatile and multidisciplinary expert consultants. Its transversal approach allows it to benefit from a global vision of innovation processes that combines financing and strategy. Benkei is a member of the European Association of Innovation Consultants, the main association for the innovation consulting profession.  

The design and preparation of proposals and the implementation of collaboratively funded projects are among Benkei’s main activities. Benkei is proud to be involved in some major projects funded under Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe, including e-CODUCT where it supports UGENT and TOTB in the financial and administrative management of the project. 

Contact: Fabienne Brutin rf.iekneb@enneibaf


CO NOT (Centre of Excellence: Low Carbon Technologies / Slovenian: Center Odličnosti NizkoOgljične Tehnologije) is a non-profit private institute in Slovenia specialising in research and development in the field of low carbon technologies. In e-CODUCT CO NOT will provide guidance for design and fabrication and upscale the ETFB reactor with a capacity of 1kg/h of CO production.  

In e-CODUCT CO NOT will design and manufacture and upscale the ETFB reactor with a capacity of 1kg/h for the production of CO. 

Contact: Dr. Miha Grilc is.tonoc@clirg.ahim